Installation of QGIS and GRASS
Quantum GIS 1.8.0 and GRASS 6.4.2 (or 6.4.3) will be used for this workshop. Please make sure that you have the appropriate versions installed prior to the workshop.
For Windows users: Simply install QGIS and GRASS using the OSGeo4W installer available here.
For Mac users: Instructions to install QGIS and GRASS on Mac OS X are here. Please install GDAL and GRASS before installing QGIS.
For Mac OSX Leopard users ONLY: there are no complete packages available. The following packages have to be installed individually: * QGIS 1.8 "Leo" * GRASS 6.4.2 * GDAL Framework 1.8.1-1 "Leo" * FreeType Framework 2.4.6 * cairo Framework 1.10.2 * UnixImageIO Framework 1.3.0 * PROJ Framework 4.7.0 * GEOS Framework 3.3.0 * SQLite3 Framework UIIO, PROJ, GEOS, SQLite3, and GDAL are available at: All others available at: First, copy QGIS from the .dmg into your applications folder (don't try to run it yet). Now install the packages in the following order: * FreeType * PROJ * UnixImageIO * cairo * GEOS * SQLite3 * GDAL * GRASS
For Linux users: Install QGIS and GRASS following these instructions.