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Testing evolutionary hypothesis with BEAST2.0

Exercise description

The exercise is mainly based on the Divergence Dating tutorial, but also includes a few screen captures. The screen captures images are grouped into a single .pdf file to be downloaded, due to a temporary inability of uploading image files to the QCBS wiki.

Sequences files for this exercise are taken from a very inspiring published work
Schnitzler, J., T.G. Barraclough, J.S. Boatwright, P. Goldblatt, J.C. Manning, M.P. Powell, T. Rebelo, and V. Savolainen. 2011. Causes of Plant Diversification in the Cape Biodiversity Hotspot of South Africa. Systematic Biology 60: 343–357.

Download the two files for the exercise containing aligned sequences, and rename each with .nex instead of .txt extension. Sequences in the two files are in the same order and have exactly the same name.

The files include sequences of the ITS and the trnL regions, from 74 species of the Protea genus, which comprises a total of 115 species, and the same loci from one specimen of Faurea, the sister genus of Protea. According to another study, the split leading to Faurea and to Protea is 28.4 Ma (central 95% range 24.4–32.3 Ma). With an approximate date for this single root node, and the DNA sequences in hand, we will try to answer the question: How old is one of the oldest clade in Protea, comprising P. cryophila, P. lorea, P. pruinosa, P. scabriuscula, P. scolopendrifolia ?


The objective of the exercise is simply to show how to use the BEAUti and BEAST programs. It should not be taken, as is, as an example good for publication.

Step by step instructions

(Optional, if time allows) Before importing into BEATi, use any phylogenetic program you liked to run an analysis of the sequence datasets provided, to confirm that the 5 species listed above truly group into a clade.

1 Import the two files in BEAUti, with File/Import Alignment. For each, we will now go over the top panel (Partitions / Tip dates / Site Model / Clock Model / Priors / MCMC), to choose all the options required to answer the question.

2 Tip dates: Nothing is added or modified to this panel

3 Setting the substitution model
It is best to determine which model of nucleotide substitution is best-fit to the alignment by ModelTest or JModelTest2. For now, we'll use the following settings
Substitution rate = 1 ; Check the “Estimates” boxes
Gamma Category Count =4 ; Check the “Estimates” boxes for Shape parameter
Substitution model: HKY Kappa = 2 ; Check the “Estimates” boxes
Frequencies : Estimated
Check the Fix mean mutation rates
Substitution models in BEAUti

4 Setting the clock model