# Dataset: File names is "birdsdiet.csv" and "dickcissel.csv" # Notes: Optional R script #***************************************************************************************# #### Loading and transform the data #### setwd("~/Dropbox/CSBQ:QCBS R Ateliers:Workshops (1)/Workshop 3-lm/English Final") bird<-read.csv("birdsdiet.csv") bird$logMaxAbund <- log10(bird$MaxAbund) bird$logMass <- log10(bird$Mass) #### Linear Regression: Plotting CIs using polygon() #### lm2 <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, data=bird) I <- order(bird$logMass) confit<-predict(lm2,interval="confidence") fit <- confit[,1] plusCI<-I(confit[,3]) minusCI<-I(confit[,2]) xx <- c(bird$logMass[I],rev(bird$logMass[I])) yy <- c(plusCI[I],rev(minusCI[I])) plot(xx,yy,type = "n", ylab = expression("log"[10]*"(Maximum Abundance)"), xlab = expression("log"[10]*"(Mass)")) polygon(xx,yy,col=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225),border=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225)) lines(bird$logMass[I],fit[I],lwd=3) # same as abline(mod2) points(bird$logMass[I],bird$logMaxAbund[I], pch=19, col=rgb(124,255,0,200,maxColorValue=255)) #***************************************************************************************# # Visual comparison of all birds and terrestrial birds (lm2 vs lm3) using polygon() par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # Model lm2 plot plot(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, data=bird, main="All birds", ylab = expression("log"[10]*"(Maximum Abundance)"), xlab = expression("log"[10]*"(Mass)"), pch=19, col=rgb(124,255,0,200,maxColorValue=255)) polygon(xx,yy,col=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225),border=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225)) abline(lm2,lwd=2) # Model lm3 plot lm3 <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, data=bird, subset=bird$Aquatic == 0) plot(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, data=bird, subset=!bird$Aquatic, main="Terrestrial birds",ylab = expression("log"[10]*"(Maximum Abundance)"), xlab = expression("log"[10]*"(Mass)"), pch=19, col=rgb(176,196,222,200,maxColorValue=225)) abline(lm3,lwd=2) bird_t <- subset(bird,bird$Aquatic == 0) # yet another way of subsetting confit_lm3<-predict(lm3,interval="confidence") I <- order(bird_t$logMass) fit <- confit_lm3[,1] plusCI<-I(confit_lm3[,3]) minusCI<-I(confit_lm3[,2]) xx_lm3 <- c(bird_t$logMass[I],rev(bird_t$logMass[I])) yy_lm3 <- c(plusCI[I],rev(minusCI[I])) polygon(xx_lm3,yy_lm3,col=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225),border=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225)) #***************************************************************************************# #### Challenge 1 #### # Visual comparison of all birds and passerine birds (lm2 vs lm4) lm4 <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, data=bird, subset=bird$Passerine == 1) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, data=bird, main="All birds", ylab = expression("log"[10]*"(Maximum Abundance)"), xlab = expression("log"[10]*"(Mass)"), pch=19, col=rgb(124,255,0,150,maxColorValue=255)) polygon(xx,yy,col=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225),border=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225)) abline(lm2,lwd=2) plot(logMaxAbund ~ logMass, subset=Passerine == 1, data=bird, main="Passerine birds",ylab = expression("log"[10]*"(Maximum Abundance)"), xlab = expression("log"[10]*"(Mass)"), pch=19, col=rgb(30,144,255,100,maxColorValue=255)) bird_p <- subset(bird,Passerine == 1) # yet another way of subsetting confit_lm4<-predict(lm4,interval="confidence") I <- order(bird_p$logMass) fit <- confit_lm4[,1] plusCI<-I(confit_lm4[,3]) minusCI<-I(confit_lm4[,2]) xx_lm4 <- c(bird_p$logMass[I],rev(bird_p$logMass[I])) yy_lm4 <- c(plusCI[I],rev(minusCI[I])) polygon(xx_lm4,yy_lm4,col=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225),border=rgb(0,30,70,20,maxColorValue=225)) abline(lm4,lwd=2) #***************************************************************************************# #### ANOVA: Bartlett test and non-parametric tests #### # Had we used the untransformed data, we would have violated the assumption of equal variance # and failed to detect a significant difference due to Diet bartlett.test(MaxAbund ~ Diet, data=bird) anova(lm(MaxAbund ~ Diet, data=bird)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)); boxplot(MaxAbund ~ Diet, data=bird, col=rgb(30,144,255,100,maxColorValue=255)) # Options are to transform (e.g. logMaxAbund) or us a non-parametric test kruskal.test(MaxAbund ~ Diet, data=bird) # This converts the response values to ranks, and tests whether the ranks are distributed equally # across Diets, as expected under the null hypothesis. #***************************************************************************************# #### ANOVA continued: Interpreting contrast outputs #### # The default contrast in R is called the "contr.treatment" (each level is compared to the # baseline level) # The Intercept Estimate (here = 1.1539) is the baseline or control group and corresponds # to the mean of the first (alphabetically) diet group (i.e. DietInsect) # Notice that the Intercept Estimate + Estimates of each Diet return the mean for each Diet tapply(bird$logMaxAbund, bird$Diet, mean) coef(anov1) coef(anov1)[1] + coef(anov1)[2] # InsectVert coef(anov1)[1] + coef(anov1)[3] # Plant # etc. # We may want to relevel the baseline bird$Diet2 <- relevel(bird$Diet, ref="Plant") anov_rl <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ Diet2, data=bird) summary(anov_rl) # note the significance of each levels anova(anov_rl) # note that we are now comparing the "Plant" diet to all other diet levels # Or, we can reorder multiple levels bird$Diet2 <- factor(bird$Diet, levels=names(med)) # reorder levels according to median anov_rl <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ Diet2, data=bird) summary(anov_rl) # note the significance of each levels anova(anov_rl) # To view how the levels differ levels(bird$Diet) levels(bird$Diet2) # The default treatment contrast (comparison to one baseline) corresponds to a contrast of (4,-1,-1,-1,-1) # Alternatively, we can compare different subsets of diets such as "Insect" and "InsectVert" to # "PlantInsect" and "Vertebrate" (i.e. 0,1,1,-1,-1) # Or just two diets such as "PlantInsect" with "Vertebrate" (i.e. 0,0,0,1,-1), # Or "Insect" with "InsectVert" (i.e. 0,1,-1,0,0). # To run the above comparison, we would manually change the contrast matrix as follows contrasts(bird$Diet2) <- cbind(c(4,-1,-1,-1,-1), c(0,1,1,-1,-1), c(0,0,0,1,-1), c(0,1,-1,0,0)) contrasts(bird$Diet2) anov_rl <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ Diet2, data=bird) summary(anov_rl) # This will produce your matrix of contrast coefficients # The important restriction is that all columns must sum to zero, and that the product of # any two columns must sum to zero (that all contrasts are orthogonal) # Compare this to the default treatment contrast: contr.treatment(5) # 5 because there are 5 diet levels # An important thing to note at this point about the default contrast in R ("contr.treatment") is # that it is NOT orthogonal # Recall: To be orthogonal the following properties must be met # 1. Coefficients sum to 0 sum(contrasts(bird$Diet)[,1]) # 2. Sum of the product of two columns sum to 0 sum(contrasts(bird$Diet)[,1]*contrasts(bird$Diet)[,2]) # Property 1 is not met with the Treatment contrast, therefore matrix is not orthogonal # We may change the contrast altogether so that no longer comparing all levels to a given # baseline (i.e. choose to change our contrast a priori) options(contrasts=c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly")) contrasts(bird$Diet) # Here you can see that the contrasts are orthogonal (unlike the Treatment contrasts) # Property 1 sum(contrasts(bird$Diet)[,1]) sum(contrasts(bird$Diet)[,2]) # etc. # Property 2 sum(contrasts(bird$Diet)[,1]*contrasts(bird$Diet)[,2]) sum(contrasts(bird$Diet)[,1]*contrasts(bird$Diet)[,3]) # etc. anov_ct <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ Diet, data=bird) summary(anov_ct) tapply(bird$logMaxAbund, bird$Diet, mean) coef(anov_ct)[1] + coef(anov_ct)[2] # no longer equal to mean of InsectVert # The Helmert contrasts will contrast the second level with the first, the third with the # average of the first two, and so on. # Disadvantages: Parameter estimates and their standard errors are much more difficult to # understand in Helmert than in Treatment contrasts # Advantages: Gives you proper orthogonal contrasts, and thus a clearer picture of which factor # levels need to be retained # Reset the contrast to Treatment if you are navigating between Workshop 3 and this Advanced Workshop 3 # Otherwise your model outputs will not be the same as those presented (on the Prezi slides) options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) #***************************************************************************************# #### Unbalanced ANOVA #### # We will now examine the Sums of Squares (SSE) and the effect of variable order in unbalanced designs # To do, we will need the "Anova" command (upper case A), which is part of the "car" package # This Anova() will do Type II and III SSE install.packages("car") library(car) # Birdsdiet data is actually unbalanced: Number of Aquatic and non-Aquatic is not equal table(bird$Aquatic) unb.anov1 <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ Aquatic + Diet, data=bird) unb.anov2 <- lm(logMaxAbund ~ Diet + Aquatic, data=bird) anova(unb.anov1) anova(unb.anov2) # Note how the order of the explanatory variables changed the Sums of Squares values # Now try type III Anova() Anova(unb.anov1,type="III") Anova(unb.anov2,type="III") # What have you noticed? # Alternatively, we could have reset the contrasts to "contr.sum": # options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")) # contrasts(bird$Diet) # and anova(unb.anov1) would have given us the same results as Anova(unb.anov1, type="III") #***************************************************************************************# #### Multiple Regression: Multicollinearity of explanatory variables #### # Load data Dickcissel <- read.csv("Dickcissel.csv") # Do a quick data exploration using the pairs() or cor() commands # Note: Must remove categorical variables to run cor() cor.matrix <- cor(Dickcissel[,-2]) # Keep all columns except the 2nd column cor.matrix # Just for fun, let's source a correlation plot function to visualize the correlation matrix source('my.plotcorr.R') source('col.plotcorr.R') col.plotcorr(cor.matrix) #***************************************************************************************# #### Variance partitioning #### # From the correlation plot, we saw that many variables selected were collinear install.packages("HH") library(HH) ?vif # a diagnostic of collinearity among explanatory variables vif(clDD ~ clFD + clTmi + clTma + clP + grass, data=Dickcissel) # values exceeding 5 are considered evidence of collinearity # Can use the function varpart() to partition the variance in abund with all land cover # variables in one set and all climate variables in the other set (leaving out NDVI). # Note: Collinear variables do not have to be removed prior to partitioning install.packages("vegan") library(vegan) ?varpar part.lm = varpart(Dickcissel$abund, Dickcissel[,c("clDD", "clFD", "clTmi", "clTma", "clP")], Dickcissel[,c("broadleaf", "conif", "grass", "crop", "urban", "wetland")]) part.lm par(mfrow=c(1,1)) showvarparts(2) plot(part.lm,digits=2, bg=rgb(30,144,255,100,maxColorValue=255), col=rgb(30,144,255,250,maxColorValue=255)) # Proportion of variance in abund explained by climate alone is given by X1|X2 (so 28.5%) # Proportion explained by land cover alone is given by X2|X1 (so ~0%) # Both combined is 2.4% # Test significance of each fraction # Climate set out.1 = rda(Dickcissel$abund, Dickcissel[,c("clDD", "clFD", "clTmi", "clTma", "clP")], Dickcissel[,c("broadleaf", "conif", "grass", "crop", "urban", "wetland")]) anova(out.1, step=1000, perm.max=1000) # Land cover set out.2 = rda(Dickcissel$abund, Dickcissel[,c("broadleaf", "conif", "grass", "crop", "urban", "wetland")], Dickcissel[,c("clDD", "clFD", "clTmi", "clTma", "clP")]) anova(out.2, step=1000, perm.max=1000) # land cover fraction is non-significant once climate data is accounted for