# QCBS R Workshop Series # Workshop 5 Linear Mixed Models #Designed by Jacob Ziegler, Dalal Hanna and Catherine Baltazar ################Section 1######################### # Remove prior commands in R rm(list=ls()) # Place all workshop material in one folder on your computer # Run the following line of code and use the browsing window to choose the QCBS_W5_Data.csv # file in the folder that contains the workshop material file.choose() # Set the working directoy to the folder which contains the lab material by copy and pasting # all but the R file name from the output of the file.choose() command into the set working # directory command. # For example paste "/Users/ziegljac/Documents/QCBS_R/" -> include the quotations # NOT "/Users/ziegljac/Documents/QCBS_R/Get_Data_Func.R" -> include the quotations setwd() # Load useful libraries and data #Note: if you have never loaded these libraries before you will have to use #the "install.packages" function before the "library" function library(ggplot2) library(lme4) library(arm) library(AICcmodavg) library(beepr) #AICc is for small sample size corrected #Always use this because the equation is set that the bigger the sample size gets the more it's just like AIC data <- read.csv('qcbs_w5_data.csv') # Used to strip down figures to make them simpler fig <- theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank()) + theme(strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text()) + theme(legend.background=element_blank()) + theme(legend.key=element_blank()) + theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour="black", fill=NA)) # Make the followoing three plots to explore the data plot <- ggplot(aes(Fish_Length,Trophic_Pos),data=data) # Plot 1 - All Data plot + geom_point() + xlab("Length (mm)") + ylab("Trophic Position") + labs(title="All Data") + fig # Plot 2 - By Speceis - BG = Bluegill, WY = Walleye, and YP = Yellow Perch plot + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ Fish_Species) + xlab("Length (mm)") + ylab("Trophic Position") + labs(title="By Species") + fig # Plot 3 - By Lake plot + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ Lake) + xlab("Length (mm)") + ylab("Trophic Position") + labs(title="By Lake") + fig ################Section 2######################### #Running a mixed model in R #Four Step Process to build a mixed model in R #1) A priori model bulding and data exploration#### #i) Map out the model based on a priori knowledge #We know that we want to build a model that evaluates the relationship #bewteen trophic position and length while accounting for lake and species varition #Trophic Position ~ Length + Species + Lake #ii)Housekeeping and data exploration #Ensure that the structure of your data is correct str(data) #Look at sample distribution across factors to check #if there are any major unequal distributions table(data$Lake) table(data$Fish_Species) #Look at distribution of continuous variables #Transform if necessary (will avoid future problems with homogeneity of model residuals) hist(data$Fish_Length) hist(data$Trophic_Pos) #Check for colinearity between variables plot(data) cor(data$Fish_Length, data$Trophic_Pos) #Note that in this data set there are not mulitple continuous variables #between which correlations might cause problems #but if for example we have length and mass data #we would not want to use both, as they would likely be highly correlated #Consider the scales of your variables #Note: when 2 variables have very different ranges of scale the criteria mixed models use to come up #with parameter estimates are likely to return 'convergance errors' #Z correcting adjusts for this scaling problem: #What is a z correction?: (z = (x - mean(x))/sd(x)) #Z-correct Length data$Z_Length<-(data$Fish_Length-mean(data$Fish_Length))/sd(data$Fish_Length) #Z-correct Trophic Position data$Z_TP<-(data$Trophic_Pos-mean(data$Trophic_Pos))/sd(data$Trophic_Pos) #Find out if it is important to account for variation in "random effects" #by comparing the residuals of a linear model without the random effects with #the potential random effects lm.test<-lm(Z_TP~Z_Length, data=data) lm.test.resid<-rstandard(lm.test) #Species Effect plot(lm.test.resid~ data$Fish_Species, xlab = "Species", ylab="Standardized residuals") abline(0,0, lty=2) #Lake Effect plot(lm.test.resid~ data$Lake, xlab = "Lake", ylab="Standardized residuals") abline(0,0, lty=2) #2) Coding potential models and model selection#### #i) Coding all potential models #List of all Potential models--> #Note: you can chose to not code ones that do not make biological sense. #Linear model with no random effects M0<-lm(Z_TP~Z_Length,data=data) #Full model with varying intercepts M1<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1|Fish_Species) + (1|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #Full model with varying intercepts and slopes M2<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1+Z_Length|Fish_Species) + (1+Z_Length|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #No Lake, varying intercepts only M3<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1|Fish_Species), data=data, REML=TRUE) #No Species, varying intercepts only M4<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #No Lake, varying intercepts and slopes M5<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1+Z_Length|Fish_Species), data=data, REML=TRUE) #No Species, varying intercepts and slopes M6<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1+Z_Length|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #Full model with varying intercepts and slopes only varying by lake M7<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1|Fish_Species) + (1+Z_Length|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #Full model with varying intercepts and slopes only varying by species M8<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1+Z_Length|Fish_Species) + (1|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #ii) Compare models using AICc values #Compute AICc values for each model AICc<-c(AICc(M0), AICc(M1), AICc(M2), AICc(M3), AICc(M4), AICc(M5), AICc(M6), AICc(M7), AICc(M8)) #Put values into one table for easy comparision Model<-c("M0", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5", "M6", "M7", "M8") AICtable<-data.frame(Model=Model, AICc=AICc) AICtable #M8 has the lowest AICc value so it has the most predictive power #M2 is also a good fit, but all other models are not nearly as good. #Note when you compare models with different fixed effects they must be fit by #Maximum Likelihood (ML) and not by Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) #3) Checking model assumptions#### #Checking for M8 #A. Look at homogeneity: plot fitted values vs residuals E1 <- resid(M8) F1<-fitted(M8) plot(x = F1, y = E1, xlab = "Fitted Values", ylab = "Normalized residuals") abline(h = 0, lty = 2) #B. Look at independence: # i. plot residuals vs each covariate in the model #Fish_Length plot(x = data$Z_Length, y = E1, xlab = "Z Length", ylab = "Normalized residuals") abline(h = 0, lty = 2) #Note: observed groupings are created by the nature of the data because in the data set #we only measured individuals from 5 categories of lengths (big, small, and three groups in between) #Species boxplot(E1 ~ Fish_Species, ylab = "Normalized residuals", data = data, xlab = "Species") abline(h = 0, lty = 2) #Lake boxplot(E1 ~ Lake, ylab = "Normalized residuals", data = data, xlab = "Lake") abline(h = 0, lty = 2) # ii. plot residuals vs each covariate not in the model #NA in the case of this data set #D. Look at normality: histogram hist(E1) #4) Interpreting results and visuzaling the model#### #Re-fit model by REML #REML is a more conservative estimate, so the rule is to use this estimation method when #obtaining model coefficients M8<-lmer(Z_TP~Z_Length + (1+Z_Length|Fish_Species) + (1|Lake), data=data, REML=TRUE) #Look at model summary #This allows you to get an idea of the variance explained by the different components #of the model and the "significance" of fixed effects summary(M8) #Visualizing model results#### #There are several ways of visualizing the results of a mixed model, all of which #involve using the coefficients generated by the model. #So the first step is get the model coefficients to be able to add them to the figures coef(M8) #Now put the coefs into dataframes to make them more easy to manipulate Lake.coef <- as.data.frame(coef(M8)$Lake) colnames(Lake.coef) <- c("Intercept","Slope") Species.coef <- as.data.frame(coef(M8)$Fish_Species) colnames(Species.coef) <- c("Intercept","Slope") # Plot 1 - All Data #Make a plot that includes all the data plot <- ggplot(aes(Z_Length,Z_TP),data=data) Plot_AllData <- plot + geom_point() + xlab("Length (mm)") + ylab("Trophic Position") + labs(title="All Data") + fig #Add a layer that has an abline with the intercept and slope of the relationship between length and trophic position #Note that you can obtain the intercept and slope of the fixed factor directly from the model summary summary(M8) Plot_AllData + geom_abline(intercept = -0.0009059, slope =0.4222697) # Plot 2 - By Speceis #Plot the data color coded by Species Plot_BySpecies<-plot + geom_point(aes(colour = factor(Fish_Species)), size = 4) + xlab("Length (mm)") + ylab("Trophic Position") + labs(title="By Species") + fig #Add the regression line with the intercepts and slopes specific to each species Plot_BySpecies + geom_abline(intercept = Species.coef[1,1], slope =Species.coef[1,2], colour="coral2") + geom_abline(intercept = Species.coef[2,1], slope =Species.coef[2,2], colour = "green4") + geom_abline(intercept = Species.coef[3,1], slope =Species.coef[3,2], colour="blue1") # Plot 3 - By Lake #Plot the data color coded by lake Plot_ByLake<-plot + geom_point(aes(colour = factor(Lake)), size = 4) + xlab("Length (mm)") + ylab("Trophic Position") + labs(title="By Lake") + fig #Add in regression lines with the intercepts specific to each lake Plot_ByLake + geom_abline(intercept = Lake.coef[1,1], slope =Lake.coef[1,2], colour="coral2") + geom_abline(intercept = Lake.coef[2,1], slope =Lake.coef[2,2], colour="khaki4") + geom_abline(intercept = Lake.coef[3,1], slope =Lake.coef[3,2], colour="green4") + geom_abline(intercept = Lake.coef[4,1], slope =Lake.coef[4,2], colour="darkgoldenrod") + geom_abline(intercept = Lake.coef[5,1], slope =Lake.coef[5,2], colour="royalblue1") + geom_abline(intercept = Lake.coef[6,1], slope =Lake.coef[6,2], colour="magenta3") beep(sound = 4) beep(sound = 3) #Thanks for attending the workshop and/or checking out this code! #We hope that this has been helpful to you!