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QCBS Student Network

Page en français - Réseau étudiant du CSBQ

A number of communication tools were put in place by the QCBS to facilitate student networking, to promote sharing of information and skills and to support the involvement of students within the QCBS. The main tools are detailed below.

Who represents you?

This web page list the students that are involved in the QCBS. Read more about the governance of the QCBS here.

Student Networking platform

The QCBS Student Networking Platform allows you to find, through a formatted list of keywords, other student members who share common scientific interests, expertise or skills, or who possess expertise that could be useful to you.

For example, if you need advice for identifying plants, you can choose this keyword in the list and a list of students who have selected this skill in their student form will appear. You will then have the possibility to contact those students by email.

This networking platform is then a tool of choice to put you in contact with students with particular skills or expertise relevant to biodiversity science. It can also be used to contact other students for organizing social events, meetings, etc.

In order to use this platform, you need to have a QCBS student profile, and it needs to be up-to-date. For any problems or suggestions related to this tool, please contact Guillaume Larocque (

Peer Review of Scientific Articles

The Peer Review of Scientific Articles project aims to improve the quality of manuscripts before their publications through an assisted review by other QCBS students. A student who has written a scientific article can, before it's initial submission, contact other QCBS students with expertise or skills relevant to the content of the paper to ask them their input on the article in order to improve it.

To identify students most competent to revise your manuscript, the Student Networking Platform allows you to search for students with relevant skills or expertise and who have accepted to participate in the peer review program, and to contact them by email. When one or more students have accepted to revise your paper, you can then send the manuscript to them.

To avoid the leakage of unpublished data or text, the reviewing students accept to keep the content of the manuscript entirely confidential. Moreover, it is strongly recommended to include the supervisor of the reviewing student(s) in early communications to ensure transparency. It is also important that the manuscript author and reviewers agree to a deadline for sending reviews to avoid unnecessary delays.

If you wish to obtain more information concerning this student peer review project, don't hesitate to contact Thaïs Bernos (, Bérenger Bourgeois (, Steeve Vissault (, Antoine Becker Scarpitta ( or Sacha Engelhardt (

Le Beagle: Student Blog

Le Beagle is a blog managed by QCBS students. QCBS members are invited to share their experiences, opinions or knowledge in relation to biodiversity science.

Feel like sharing your ideas or scientific adventures? Don't hesitate to create blog post on Le Beagle. Note that your post will appear after its approval by a moderator.

If you experience difficulties, please contact Gabrielle Trottier (, who will be happy to help.

QCBS Facebook Group

The QCBS is also on Facebook! When following the QCBS Facebook group, you will be kept up to date on the latest news about the QCBS and news about scientific advances in biodiversity science in a quick and easy way. Of course, students are welcome to publish their own news ! Don't be behind !

QCBS Twitter Network

The QCBS has a Twitter account (@csbq_qcbs) that you are inivted to follow to stay updated about the center's activities and to see news, opinions and job opportunities linked with biodiversity science. The network of QCBS students has its own account (@Csbq_qcbs_stu) used to promote the activities of the student network. We invite you to to include the account name @csbq_qcbs_stu or @csbq_qcbs in your tweets from your personal account if you want your message to be shared with the network. If you want to directly post information on the Twitter account, please contact

Student Initiatives

Do you have ideas for events, training opportunities or actions in link with biodiversity science? The QCBS welcomes every initiative that favors can help make the student network more dynamic! To help develop and promote your student initiative, the QCBS student representatives in your area will gladly advise you. Take a look at the student network to get in touch with all the students member of the QCBS.

Learning and Development Award

To encourage student initiatives, the QCBS created the Learning and Development Award that rewards graduate or post-doctoral students who substantially contributed to the training and the learning experience of the students. If you are interested in creating activities or learning groups to share your knowledge and biodiversity science skills with other students (or have already), your application to the Learning and Development Award is strongly recommended !

Managing your Student Profile

To create your QCBS student profile and become a member, you need to fill this form.

Do you want to update your student profile but you lost your password ? No problem ! The password recovery page will easily let you find it again.

Other questions concerning the QCBS student Network? Refer to the FAQ page available here.