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r_programming_gl [2014/11/21 15:54]
r_programming_gl [2014/11/21 16:31]
Line 23: Line 23:
 <file rsplus> <file rsplus>
 mydt=data.table(mydf) mydt=data.table(mydf)
-</​file>​ +</​file>​%0
- +
-Each data table has to be assigned a key, which is one (or more) of the columns from the table. This key defines the basis for the organization and the sorting of the table.  +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-setkey(mydt,​a) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-Once the key is set, we can return all rows with column a (the key) equal to F  +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-mydt['​F'​] +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-Gives the mean value of column b for each letter in column a.  +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-mydt[,​mean(b),​by=a] +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-Let's compare the performance of Data table with other methods to achieve the same thing.  +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-system.time(t1<​-mydt[,​mean(b),​by=a]) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-**With tapply()** +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-system.time(t2<​-tapply(mydf$b,​mydf$a,​mean)) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-**With reshape2** +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(reshape2) +
-meltdf=melt(mydf) +
-system.time(t3<​-dcast(meltdf,​a~variable,​mean)) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-**With plyr** +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(plyr) +
-system.time(t4<​-ddply(mydf,​.(a),​summarize,​mean(b))) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-**With sqldf**. This package allows one to write Structured Query Language commands to perfom queries on a data frame.  +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(sqldf) +
-system.time(t5<​-sqldf('​SELECT a, avg(b) FROM mydf GROUP BY a')) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-**With a basic FOR loop** +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-ti1<​-proc.time() +
-t6<​-data.frame(letter=unique(mydf$a),​mean=rep(0,​26)) +
-for (i in t6$letter ){ +
-  t6[t6$letter==i,​2]=mean(mydf[mydf$a==i,​2]) +
-eltime<​-proc.time()-ti1 +
-eltime +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-**With a parallelized FOR loop** +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(foreach) +
-library(doMC) +
-registerDoMC(4) #Four-core processor +
-ti1<​-proc.time() +
-t7<​-data.frame(letter=unique(mydf$a),​mean=rep(0,​26)) +
-t7[,2] <- foreach(i=t7$letter,​ .combine='​c'​) %dopar+
- ​mean(mydf[mydf$a==i,​2]) +
-eltime<​-proc.time()-ti1 +
-eltime +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-====== RgoogleMaps! ====== +
-  +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(RgoogleMaps) +
-myhome=getGeoCode('​Olympic stadium, Montreal'​);​ +
-mymap<​-GetMap(center=myhome,​ zoom=14) +
-PlotOnStaticMap(mymap,​lat=myhome['​lat'​],​lon=myhome['​lon'​],​cex=5,​pch=10,​lwd=3,​col=c('​red'​));​ +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-====== Taxize ====== +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(taxize) +
-spp<​-tax_name(query=c("​american beaver"​),​get="​species"​) +
-fam<​-tax_name(query=c("​american beaver"​),​get="​family"​) +
-correctname <- tnrs(c("​fraxinus americanus"​)) +
-cla<​-classification("​acer rubrum",​ db = '​itis'​) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-====== Spocc ====== +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(spocc) +
-occ_data <- occ(query = 'Acer nigrum',​ from = '​gbif'​) +
-mapggplot(occ_data) +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-Combine spocc and RgoogleMaps +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-occ_data <- occ(query = 'Puma concolor',​ from = '​gbif'​) +
-occ_data_df=occ2df(occ_data) +
-occ_data_df<​-subset(occ_data_df,​!is.na(latitude) & latitude!=0+
-mymap<​-GetMap(center=c(mean(occ_data_df$latitude),​mean(occ_data_df$longitude)),​ zoom=2) +
-PlotOnStaticMap(mymap,​lat=occ_data_df$latitude,​lon=occ_data_df$longitude,​cex=1,​pch=16,​lwd=3,​col=c('​red'​));​ +
-</​file>​ +
- +
-====== geonames ====== +
- +
-<file rsplus>​ +
-library(geonames) +
-options(geonamesUsername="​glaroc"​) +
-res<​-GNsearch(q="​Mont Saint-Hilaire"​) +
-res[,​c('​toponymName','​fclName'​)] +
-dc<​-GNcities(45.4,​ -73.55, 45.7, -73.6, lang = "​en",​ maxRows = 10) +
-dc[,​c('​toponymName'​)] +
-</​file>​ +
- +
- +